
Self-care Isn’t Fun, Neither is Burnout

When I fell victim to burnout a few years ago I embarked on what I called “extreme self care”. I packed my schedule with rheumatologists, neurologists, acupuncturists and massage therapists. When my psychotherapist and my neuropsychiatrist each separately suggested I might benefit from a professional coach I was pretty sure my health kick had jumped the proverbial shark.  

While I did get a little better, it took succumbing to stress and burnout a second time to finally realize that I did not HAVE a problem; I, in fact, WAS the problem.

I hate when that happens.  

”True self-care is boring. Richly, impactfully, transformatively boring. ”

True self-care is boring. Richly, impactfully, transformatively boring. It’s getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, drinking lots of water, getting fresh air and moving your body.  It’s laughing with a friend, working through challenges with trusted peers and doing work that is fulfilling and aligned with your purpose.  

Be Uncommon.

[Hey! Need some self-care right this minute? Download my 5 Steps to Turn Frustrations into Focused Action for a brain-science-powered approach that works!]

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