Leadership is hard

But with a reliable strategy, it can feel easy.

I know the above is true because I was stuck in your place once.

  • Working a job I thought I loved, but not being able to feel truly accomplished.
  • Being frustrated with misaligned visions of success and lack of accountability.
  • Depending on others to make necessary progress.
  • Living in a chronic state of overwhelm, overextending to keep all the balls in the air.
  • Trying to be everything to everyone and not taking the time I needed for myself.
But the moment I started to lean into what makes me uncommon —
finding my unique purpose and setting a strategy to achieve it
— that’s where the magic happened.

Allow me to introduce myself…

Hi! I’m Julie Quinne

As a seasoned executive in charge of leadership development and major organizational change, I learned this: When people are energized and focused, they feel better, the people around them feel better, organizations operate better, and the world changes a little for the better too.

The problem is that most organizations don’t have a reliable framework for energizing and focusing people in alignment with overall goals. They may have a written mission, vision and strategy but what’s missing is a common language or approach to make it come to life and be actionable for everyone involved.

Stop spending money on ineffective leadership retreats, vision statement writing exercises, and employee engagement initiatives that don’t work!

Think about this…

→ Is it difficult to nail down a consistent answer about what success means for your organization?
→ Do you struggle to get support for your initiatives from your peers and leaders?
→ Are you frustrated by the lack of progress on things you KNOW would make a huge positive difference?

These things plague us because… newsflash…
Most businesses do leadership strategy totally wrong.

They don’t know how to inspire true energy, engagement, and focus on what really matters.

By creating true organizational alignment and equipping people
with the skills to get energized and focused, not only do employees, managers,
and leaders benefit, but companies benefit from the ripple effect.

The shift creates momentum at all levels — a momentum that’s difficult to
stop after it starts.

It’s like Einstein said:
Nothing happens until something moves.

Queue: The Uncommon Leadership Framework

The Uncommon Leadership Framework makes work and life more meaningful, more manageable and more motivating.
For organizations, a cohesive leadership strategy—a clear connection between overall success and individual performance—is what creates sustainable success.
For people, a connection to purpose—a true alignment between self and work—is what creates engagement and motivation.
And you? You deserve to feel energized, balanced, focused, and fulfilled. You have every reason to believe you can feel accomplished and at peace at the end of each day. You can!

Not only do you deserve to feel this way, you have a responsibility to live this way.

*Wait… what?*

I have a responsibility to feel energized, balanced, focused, and fulfilled?

* Yes. Mind. Blown. …Right? *

My mission: End suffering at work. Change how businesses lead and motivate. Help leaders feel accomplished and at peace with their work and life. Guide you as you take that first step forward.

Let’s calm the chaos, realign priorities, and find clarity from
an uncommon perspective.
Feeling Overwhelmed?

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