Setting Strong HR Objectives

HR objectives, goals, visions, missions…the terminology can be confusing but let’s not let the terms get in our way. What I’m talking about is whatever you want to achieve. As New Year’s Eve is right around the corner, now is a good time to start thinking about where you are headed and whether you are on the right train to get there. Here are six questions to envision a strong “there”.

6 Steps to Creating Strong HR Objectives

  • Who will you be when you are there?
  • What will be different about there vs here?
  • Why is getting there important?
  • How will being there impact you?
  • When do you want to be there?

Test Your Objective

Brainstorm and explore the answers to these questions and see what happens. Do you become more enamored with the objective or less? Do you find you need to adjust your idea or expectations? Would you consider your objective narrow and rigid or broad and fluid? What implications does that have for pursuing and achieving it? What could end up in your way?

Set a Path to Achieving Your Objectives

We know from research that just setting objectives is a good percent of the battle; indeed, those who set goals are more productive (aka “successful”). But if we measure success in terms of meaningfulness, purpose, joy, fulfillment, values and energy, then we need more than objectives. We need to set them against a backdrop of what matters most to us (purpose). To offer our best, we must align our unique motivation factors with the work at hand (Needs and Talents). And to remain committed over the long term, we can be alert to energy drainers and manage them before they become obstacles to our success.

A Framework for Success

I use Motivation Factor™‘s Hierarchy of Motivation® as one way to set and achieve goals, lead change and transform individuals, teams and organizations. There are many models, coaching frameworks and methodologies to help. The key is to start.

Join me as a member of UPschool to start. Become your own Uncommon self!

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