Addicted to Crazy

A day in the life of many an HR Pro is comprised of a full calendar, full to-do list, full agenda and full bladder. Rushing from meeting to interview, from conversation to conflict and from problem to policy – the hair-on-fire pace, the dizzying diversity of tasks and the constant “hey do you have a minute?” is just….HEAVENLY, isn’t it? The blood pumping, the adrenaline flowing, and your head buzzing with i’s and t’s to be dotted and crossed and double-checked for accuracy just makes us feel so ALIVE!

And if there’s a break in the madness it’s a chance to reflect on how MUCH everyone needs and how LITTLE anyone listens and how DANGEROUS it would have been if they hadn’t consulted us and how NUTS of them to think that THAT was the right way to handle it. What would they do without us? What would have happened had we missed that meeting?

Of course we skip lunch and skip the bathroom to make the call to skip the school play as we skip-run down the hall to make the meeting in time. Time? Who has time? We’re busy and we like it because we’re making an impact and we’re needed and there’s someone else in the doorway so that other thing will need to wait.

Then the to-do’s don’t get to-done so the kids and you do homework till it’s dinner and then after. And when your partner asks a question as you send just one more email and you answer hours later but they’ve already gone to bed. Good news! A few more guilt-free hours to just catch up on all the work but in the morning there’s your partner, with that look – the one you dread.

If this cadence sounds even remotely familiar, then you may be suffering from an addiction to Crazy and it is imperative that you take stock: How sustainable is this pace? What are the benefits of continuing it? What are the unintended consequences? What is the short term and long term impact of overriding your own professional and personal time with unplanned problem solving on behalf of others? What is your plan for ensuring that you as a professional and HR as a function is seen as a respected, strategic contributor to the business? How are you keeping yourself accountable to that plan?

Crazy can be breathtaking and exhilarating and energizing. But it takes more than it gives. Crazy keeps you from realizing your vision. Crazy prevents you from spending quality time with people who matter. Crazy steals creativity and patience. It diminishes wellbeing and makes you late for yoga. It’s time to kick Crazy to the curb.

One way to start kicking the Crazy habit is to set aside some time (this will sound crazy in and of itself to the addicted). Once the time – say an hour – is set aside, defend that time against interruptions and overrides; defend it with your professional LIFE. During that time, consider the questions above and write down the answers as honestly as you are able. Sit quietly for at least 5 minutes – 10 if you can manage it – to reflect on your answers. Then ask yourself, what one (tiny) action will you commit to that would make the biggest positive difference?

This one (precious) hour will bring you back in touch with your vision for yourself – your life and work. It will reconnect you to what matters most. It can spark creativity and replenish patience. And, if you do it right, you might even make it in time for yoga.

If you would like to learn more ways to stop the crazy addiction, consider joining UPschool. UPschool is an online platform that allows access to programs, workshops, expert guidance, tools and templates to human resource management professionals offering them support, guidance and leadership development.

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