6 Steps to Strategically Implement Almost Anything

  1. Why is the org interested in [the thing]? (Strategic relevance)
  2. What specifically does the org expect to gain? (Success metrics)
  3. How will the above results be measured? (Measurement)
  4. By when does the org expect those results to be realized? (Milestone(s))
  5. Where will responsibility sit for managing the [thing]? (Responsibility)
  6. Who will be consequentially accountable for the desired results? (Accountability)


  1. If there is no strategic relevance, don’t do the thing.
  2. If what the org expects to gain can be accomplished in another more effective way, don’t do the thing.
  3. If the measurement is of the thing and not the business results, you’re measuring the wrong thing.
  4. If there’s no deadline, the thing won’t be done.
  5. If there is no responsibility or confused responsibility, no one will do the thing.
  6. If there is no consequence for not doing the thing, no one will do the thing.

Be strategic. Be Uncommon.

Julie Quinne - Speaker | Mentor | Coach
Strategic Leadership | Speaker | Mentor | Coach | UPschool Founder | Clubhouse Host of Workforce Efficacy™ and The Motivation Sherpa | Co-host of Leadership & Motivation @uncommonjulie

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