
Self-care: The Brain-Body Connection

Try one, or all, of these simple self-care body scans to see the brain-body connection.

Relax your shoulders. How much more space is there now between them and your earlobes? 

Straighten your spine. How long were you hunched over like that? 

Stretch the crown of your head to the ceiling. How much more polished and poised and ready to take on the rest of the day do you look?

Emotional stress creates physical strain (fatigue, muscle soreness), cognitive impairment (forgetfulness, delayed processing) and mental illness (depression, anxiety). Strategic HR leaders know that long term success comes from daily positive actions / self-care. Of course, the opposite is also true. As HR pros, we cannot afford to let this get the best of us either personally or professionally.  There are too many people relying on us to be at our best for us to succumb to instead to burnout.  

The tension in your body is a good indicator of tension in your mind.  While body stretches will help, easing the psychological stress is important as well. Commitment to success includes taking care of the required resource – and that includes YOU. What will you commit to in support of your continued self-care and well-being? 

Be Uncommon.

P.S. This exercise works with your neuropsychology to reduce stress, increase intrinsic motivation and move you into purposeful action. Try it today!

Self-care and well-being is an important part of strategic leadership. Develop your whole person, professionally and personally with these next steps.

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