There is no question that organizational culture is a strategic lever. Here’s a way to prove it to yourself and your leaders.
You: “If we could meet all your hopes for this organization in the next 5 years, what would be different?” (Achievements? More of? Less of?)
Leader: *describes vision for organization*
You: “What do we currently have going for us in the way we work that supports that vision? What do we need more of? How are we working/communicating/deciding/planning now that prevents us or slows us from that vision?”
Leader: *describes cultural characteristics that have direct impact on vision and strategy*
You: “If we could change those characteristics, what would that be worth?”
Leader: *assigns indisputable value to culture as it relates to vision and strategy*
You: “Would you like a plan for increasing these supporting characteristics and reducing these hindering characteristics in order to more effectively achieve your vision?”
Leader: “Yes, please.”
Because organizational culture is a strategic lever. Be Uncommon.
Read more about Strategic Leadership: